While marriage can be a beautiful
thing, really, it wouldn’t be fair to deprive the masses of their wet dream of
being hitched to me. Thus, I am not wed…just
too lazy to blog. And according to my
dear friends, it’s a good thing I have such fabulous, well everything, else I might
have to you know, work for a living. Ah,
I do love the smell of hater-ade in the morning…and a new pair of stilettos in
the box anytime.
So, just to let you know. I will
be writing more, and not just because my publisher got me tipsy on rum
balls. There’s a reason rum balls are
smaller in circumference than softballs.
Just saying. Of course, that didn’t
stop me from giving it the good, old college try. Ah, college.
The things I did…the people I did.
And I’d do it all again.
Wishing you lots of whipped cream with cherries on top,
makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” —Sophia Loren